All Day IPA (Partial mash)

Hop heads unite! The deep copper-gold India Pale ale is well balanced with a frothy white head followed by a fruity and citrusy hop aroma. The finish is long and lingering backed up with a pleasing malt backbone.

This IPA is ready to drink as soon as it is carbonated. It will peak at 2 to 5 months.

Serve at 10 °C

Batch size: 20 liters

Efficiency: 70.0%

  • Original Gravity: 1.059

  • Final Gravity: 1.015

  • Alcohol: 5.9%

  • Bitterness: 51.6 IBU

  • Boil duration: 60 min

Water needed

● 4.5 Liters @ 70 C for Mash-in (Mash ratio = 3 Liters of water per kg grain)

● 6.75 Liters @ 76 C for Sparge (Sparge ratio = 1.5 x the quantity of Mash Water)


  • 1.6 kg Pale Malt
  • 1.4 kg Light Liquid Malt Extract

  • 1 kg Light Dry Malt Extract

  • 0.3 kg Pale Crystal Malt (20 L)

  • 100 g Amber Malt  

  • Hops: 30 g Southern Passion (US 4/78) (9%) - 60 min

  • Hops: 20 g Cascade (6.5%)  - 15 min (before end of boil)

  • Hops: 15 g Southern Passion (US 4/78) (9%) 15 min (before end of boil)

  • Hops: 15 g Simcoe - 1 min (before end of boil)

  • 5 ml Irish moss - 15 min (before the end of the boil)

  • Fermentis Safale SO5 or Bry-97 West Coast American Ale yeast

Work order

Add crushed grain to a grain bag. Heat 4.5 L of water to 70 °C and mash grains at 68°C  for 60 minutes. (stir the grain in the grain bag well)

Heat 6.75 L of Sparge water to 76°C

Remove grain bag from grain water and  rinse with the heated Sparge water. Bring wort to the boil, remove pot from the stove and add  1.4 kg Light Liquid Malt Extract and 1 kg Light Dry Malt Extract.

Bring to a boil and add 30 g Southern Passion Hops.

15 minutes before the end of the boil

- Add Irish moss

- Add 20 g Cascade and 15 g Southern Passion.

- Rehydrate yeast in 120 ml tepid water

1 minute before the end of the boil

- Add 15 g Simcoe hops

At the end of the boil remove pot from the stove and cool. Strain the cooled wort into the primary fermenter and top up the fermenter with cold water obtain 20 L. When wort temperature is under to 23°C pitch your rehydrated yeast

Ideal fermentation temperature 19 - 24°C

Ferment for 2 weeks.  Bottle with 116 g of granulated sugar boiled in 200 ml water for 10 minutes & cooled.

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